
All about Corona virus.what is corona virus. cases of corona virus. symptoms and precaution for corona virus.

All about Corona virus.what is corona virus. cases of corona virus. symptoms and precaution for corona virus. Index what is corona virus. history. precautions. symptoms. important emergency number in case of corona virus. vaccine. WHO. Heroes. lock down. how to spend lock down Cases all over the world. effects. conclusion. Small talk Hey guys so I am back with another article, I know it’s been a long time I do not write anything but this is crucial time and I w wanna write about it so here I am.   What is coronavirus:  SO hey I think you all know about it in case you don’t know I tell you. So corona virus is a name of virus family came from SAARS, full from of SAARS , and this virus family seems very dangerous for health and the disease cause from corona virus (I don’t know the name bcoz no name is given to the disease cause from that virus), this virus is dangerous bcoz this virus spreads from person to person with the help of air or close ...

TOP 10 LIQUIDS SECRETED BY ANIMALS BODY .टॉप 10 लिक्विड्स को एम्स द्वारा शरीर से सुरक्षित किया गया

   TOP 10 LIQUIDS SECRETED BY ANIMALS BODY, टॉप 10 लिक्विड्स को एम्स द्वारा शरीर से सुरक्षित किया गया *TOP 10 EXPENSIVE LIQUIDS SECRETED BY ANIMALS. *टॉप 10 लिक्विड्स को एम्स द्वारा शरीर से सुरक्षित किया गया. 1. Human blood = 1 gallon of human blood is 1500 dollar. *मानव रक्त = मानव रक्त का 1 गैलन 1500 डॉलर है.       2.Insulin = It is manufactured in lab also, but the process is very difficult and costly.So many animals are used to eject insulin from their body, for the use of humans. Although the insulin make in lab is considered as highly hygienic so the cost of  this insulin is 9400 dollars per gallon. *Insulin = यह लैब में भी निर्मित होता है, लेकिन यह प्रक्रिया बहुत कठिन और महंगी है। इसलिए कई जानवरों का उपयोग उनके शरीर से इंसुलिन निकालने के लिए किया जाता है, मनुष्यों के उपयोग के लिए। हालाँकि लैब में इंसुलिन बनाने को अत्यधिक स्वास्थ्यकर माना जाता है, इसलिए इस इंसुलिन की कीमत 9400 डॉलर प्रति गैलन है।      ...

15 brand you think foreign but actually indian. 2019 article. Facts information

15 BRANDS that sound Foreign but actually INDIAN. FACTS INFORMATION. 2019 ARTICLE. ●SO guys today we talk about brand you always think they are foreign but actually INDIAN brnads. Brands you think foreign but actually Indian. Now starts the countdown :--- 1)PARK AVENUE :- If u like perfume or something like that,then u definately know about tHIs brand. It is an sub brand of "RAYMOND" ▪ESTABLISH: around 1925. About ..... 2)SPYKA R :- YOU like clothing and their fancy brand then you also know spykar if u can then comment below. This is an famous clothing brand. Tey provide many thing like Jeans,pants,shirt etc. ▪ESTABLISHED/FOUNDED: IN 1992. ▪FOUNDER: PRASAD PABREKAR. Spykar jeans.. 3)ROYAL ENFIELD :- IF U love bike and you live in INDIA  then you know this brand very well am i right written in comment. This is a famous brand and 100% Indian, they make classy loking bikes like bullet,thunderbird etc. ▪FOUNDED IN: 1901 About....... ...

Why Soda is Cheaper then Water?? Or water is expensive then soda? Did you know

        WHY SODA IS CHEAPER THEN WATER OR WaTER IS EXPENSIVE THEN SODA 1)Wh y Soda is Cheaper then water. Why water is expensive then soda🤐🤐😕😕..? 2)So guys today we try to find out this reason that why soda is cheaper then water or water is EXPANSIVE then soda. So I M your friend :-) 3)As we know when we travel then the thing we most want is water,and you somehow notice that water is cost more then soda even that soda company expands more in advertisement and many other things like their manufacturing cost also more then water but after that water is expansive, whereas water contain only water,, almost zero manufacturing cost no advertisement or other expands.                                   4)So what makes the difference?? So guys you know very well that water is good for health and soda is almost harmful, rather then this if soda compa...

The diwali article why what and many more in English and hindi. 2019

    The diwali article why what and many more in English and hindi. 2019 * CORONAVIRUS full form This article is base on my veiws on the festival Diwali. English reading people do not able to read bxoz this whole article is in my mother language tat is in hiDi. हिनदी मैं  तो मैं आज आपसे कुछ बात करने जा रहा हूं वह भी आपने मातृभाषा में जो आज के त्यौहार के ऊपर यानी दिवाली के ऊपर आधारित है तो दोस्तों जैसा आप जानते हैं दिवाली प्रकाश का त्योहार है जिसमें अपने घर में उजाला करते हैं और खुशी मनाते हैं पर इस दिवाली कुछ नया इनीशिएटिव लीजिए कुछ नया कदम दीजिए गुजारिश है आपसे कुछ ऐसा कीजीए जिससे दूसरों को भी खुशी मिले दूसरों के जीवन में प्रकाश आए अबकी दिवाली कुछ ऐसी मनाइए दूसरों को खुशी इसमें दूसरों को खुशी देना भी शामिल हो जाए वह किसी भी प्रकार की हो क्या क्यों ना हो  आप जरा सी चीजें करके उनको खुशी दे सकते हैं जैसे।।।===  आप जरा से दिए गुल्लक आदि चीजें खरीद के कुम्हारों को खुशी दे सकते हैं।  आप गरीब को खाना खिला कर चाहे वह एक ही क्यों ना हों उनको...

Do not search this on Google top 6 fact.2019

**Do not search this on Google or youtube. ***कभी भी यह चीजें Google/ youtube पर search न करें । 1) Do not search medicine for ur     symptom:-                 This is because when you search your symptoms on Google then you do not know that weather these prescription are true or fake. As you saw anything related to your symptoms then you just think that ,this is your sickness or symptom then you go to market and take that unknowņ medicines that your doctor never prefer you . That causes harmful effects on ur body so keep away from it and do not save the symptom on Google and go to doctor for medicine .  कभी भी Google मैं अपनी बीमारियों का इलाज के लिए दवाइयाँ  नहीं सर्च करनी चाहिए क्योंकि Google कोई सर्टिफाइड डॉक्टर तो है नहीं तो हो सकता है जो  Google आपको तरीके या दवाइयाँ बताएं वो आपके शरीर के लिए हानिकारक  हो और आपको side effects भी हो सकता है। इसलिए कभी भी अपनी बीमारी के इलाज के लिए दवाए...